About Us

Commercial Pilot Licenses

Welcome To Aviation Sierra Academy

We Aim To Give Wings To Dreams !

We started this school to reach out to people to understand their needs and not just provide training. We will help you ace the fastest-growing industry with high pay and an opportunity to view the world. The Academy also provides training in the field of Commercial Pilot Licenses and offer advanced learning facilities in Pilot Training.

Whatever your goals are, our instructors have the skillfulness, proficiency, and dedication to help you reach there and take the first step into the exciting world of aviation.

We Offer


We aim to produce the optimum blend of aircraft manipulative skills, academic application, leadership, and command character combined with competent business and aviation management knowledge. We focus on being conscientious, structured, and safe in the conduct of our business.


At Aviation Sierra Academy, we have chosen Airmanship as our motto to continually remind us that we must reach an understanding of each element in the aviation environment, with a continuous emphasis on Flight safety and guidelines.

To Start Your Career as a Pilot !

Meet Our Teaching Staff

Teachers at Aviation Sierra Academy are dedicated to inspiring our students to be highly avid flyers. Meet our full time staff:

Master Pilot

Captain Vincent

Stewardess Teacher

Jenny Blair

Junior Pilot

Captain Joe